Hello, and warm welcome to our website! We are thrilled to have you here. Whether you are a first time visitor or a returning friend, we are excited to share our world with you.
About Us
placement consultancy or a recruitment agency acts as a networking link between the recruiting companies in various sectors and the job-seekers. In other words, it declutters the manpower and provides you with a lending hand. They create databases and contact candidates and companies and solve issues related to jobs.
Our Mission
Find suitable opportunities for job applicants that deposit their curriculum vitaes, résumés and other supporting documents with them. Recruitment agencies typically develop vast databases of candidates when they invite applications for vacancies.
Our Vision
To support and guide all students in meeting their career aspirations through Industry Job Placements, Company Internships, Mentoring for higher studies, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship activities.
We will help you to choose your career according to your talent
Interview Prepration
We will build your ability to interact with the employer or interviewer and show them why you are the best-fit candidate for the job role. Your interview skills give an interviewer insight into how you will communicate in the workplace and solve problems.
CV Building
We will advertise your business in a professional, honest way that presents you as an expert in your field. Whether you use paid or unpaid advertising, post fliers or rely on word-of-mouth, creating consumer confidence is the surest way to earn business.
Job Placement
We will connecting the selected person and the employer in order to establish an ongoing employment relationship. In this step the employee is given the activities he/she needs to perform and is told about his/her duties. Placement is usually followed by the orientation process.